How to save your printer ink?
Printing documents is one of the things that generates the most expense in offices or companies. Students, especially university students, also tend to have problems with this type of situation, and clearly do not have the same budget as a company, so they must resort to other means to save printer ink .
Do your printer cartridges or toners need to be changed very frequently? Here we tell you some useful tips so you can learn how to save this precious component for your prints.
Tips to save printer ink
Some of these tips are simple, but they will help you save a lot of ink and not have to change your printer cartridges so frequently. For example:
Avoid reprints
When sending a document to be printed, the first thing you should do is verify that everything is correct , so that you avoid a second printing due to errors in the text, images outside the margins or other inconveniences.
Wrap text
There are some word processors such as Microsoft Word that allow you to reduce the text in those cases where there are only a few lines on one of the pages. These types of adjustments are perfect, since a sheet of paper where only a few words will be read is not printed.
Analyze the text to print
In the particular case of students, it is normal that they always need to print extensive texts or complete documents downloaded from the Internet and then make a summary of what they really need. This can generate a lot of ink and paper costs as there is a large amount of unnecessary text.
The ideal is to make the summary from a computer and then print only the text that will actually be used.
Avoid color prints
Many times color prints are made only due to carelessness or ignorance, but a serious mistake is to leave the color printing system enabled , this wastes a large amount of unnecessary ink. These changes can be easily configured from the print section in the word processor.
Change cartridges when they run out
A very common mistake is to change the cartridges when they have all been used up. Black is the most commonly used, but although it wears out quickly, people often avoid making the switch until no more prints can be made.
The problem with this is that when the black color runs out, the prints will continue to come out of this tone, but implementing all the other colors to match this one. Therefore, the recommendation is to change it as soon as it runs out .
Leave the printer on
This may seem crazy to many, but if you need to make prints several times during the day, it is best to leave the printer on and only turn it off when you no longer need it.
Many people are not aware of it, but during the power-on process printers use a small amount of ink , if you do it many times during the day at the end of the day you will be wasting a good amount of ink.
Use the correct font
Although there are documents that require a specific font, it is important to avoid those that use a greater amount of ink , for cases where it is not a requirement to comply with a particular font.
The fonts that use the most ink are those that have a bold effect at all times, such as Cooper Black or Impact. On the other hand, Century Gothic, Calibri or Times New Roman are thin and use less ink .
Prolonging the life of your ink cartridges may seem a bit complicated with constant use, but following these simple tips to save printer ink significantly help achieve the goal.